World-wide protests: history does teach us that you can only oppress a people only for so long – here it comes again (videos)
Protests are breaking out worldwide against enforced vaccines, lockdowns, and all other oppressive measures using SARS-CoV-2 as an excuse.

“Stand tall, straighten your backs. He said that ‘whenever men and women straighten their backs up, they are going somewhere because a man can’t ride your back unless it is bent.’” -Martin Luther King Jr.
The more someone oppresses, the more the targets grow in strength
How true it is that when the corrupt afflict the righteous, the more they multiply. (Exodus 1:12.)
In other words, their cruelties are swelling our ranks, and let me tell you that they are.
I know that many are beat down today to believe that 300 evil men are running the world. (Isaiah 28:18.)
I am here to tell you that the only people that are controlling your lives, as you are about to read and to see here, are the ones to which you are submitting yourself, period.
Protests break out against the lockdown regime
Zerohedge reported: “Burn Your Masks!” Massive protests rage worldwide
Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science – which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.
Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.
Conclusion: Friends, as you can well see, people are slowly, but surely, awakening to the tyranny that is at play, and that on a global scale.
Happily, I must say, the people in perspective countries are rising up in the face of tyranny and taking back what it is that is rightfully theirs (1 Timothy 6:12), and this beyond the control of the said tyrants and their enforcers.
Bradlee Dean is an ordained Christian preacher, Radio show host for the #1 show on Genesis Communication Network from 2-3 p.m. central standard (The Sons of Liberty), a National Tea Party favorite. He also speaks on high school and college campuses nationwide. Bradlee is also an author, a husband to one, daddy to four boys. You have probably seen Bradlee through such outlets as The New York Times, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, The Weekly Standard etc.
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[…] this recent article by Bradlee […]
[…] World-wide protests: history does teach us that you can only oppress a people only for so long – h… […]